Bayshore Occupational Therapist helps client return to work after traumatic injuries
Anna Lisowska has been an occupational therapist with Bayshore Therapy & Rehab since 2019. She helps clients overcome their anxieties, fears and traumatic experiences using exposure therapy.
In a recent case, a client of Anna’s sustained traumatic injuries at his job while working on train tracks, resulting in a debilitating fear of returning to work and similar environments.

Anna Lisowska, Occupational Therapist, Bayshore Therapy & Rehab, wearing a safety uniform to accompany her client on an active train track
“He even had challenges walking in the neighbourhood, and used a lot of safety behaviours,” Anna explains. “Even the simple task of walking his dog caused him to become highly anxious. Every two seconds, he was looking over his shoulder.”
Recognizing the need for a gradual approach, Anna designed exposure therapy sessions, starting with less intense environments such as walking his dog, and progressively moving towards non-active railways, to finally being able to return onsite to active train tracks.
“Exposure therapy is the process of breaking the connection between anxiety and a specific situation or trauma,” Anna explains. “This therapy involves a personalized plan that introduces fearful situations in small, manageable steps, gradually replacing fear with feelings of relaxation and safety.”
Anna also obtained a safety certification to be on active track sites and woke up as early as 4 a.m. to accompany him. Thanks to this therapy, the client is now free from the anxiety and fear that previously hindered his work and daily life.
“He’s back at work, enjoying his role and really using those strategies that we learned from exposure therapy in other environments. It’s like a gold stamp of approval. He really got it,” Anna says. “Being able to guide somebody in the exposure process is a privilege because it’s hard work. If it was easy, people wouldn’t need me.”
In addition to her work with exposure therapy, Anna shares valuable tips for individuals dealing with everyday stress and anxiety.
“Simplify your tasks, break down big projects and goals to reduce feeling overwhelmed,” Anna suggests. “Write down your daily goals and take them step-by-step. Take a moment to breathe when you’re feeling anxious, as it can prevent things from snowballing.”
Anna also emphasizes the importance of employers providing accessible resources and creating a supportive environment to help break the stigma around mental health and wellness.
“We learn through stories, we experience through stories,” Anna emphasizes. “And my hope is that from this story, people can make mental health a regular part of everyday discussion. Our brain health is a vital aspect of our overall well-being.”
If you or your loved one is experiencing trouble coping with anxiety, fears, or trauma, please reach out to Bayshore’s Therapy & Rehab team at or visit